Properties description

The following table contains all properties of this entity and their description

Property NameDescriptionType
UserProfileIdThe user profile identifier.Guid
NameThe user profile's namestring
RolesThe user profile's rolesstring
FirstNameThe user's first name.string
LastNameThe user's last name.string
EmailThe user's email address.string
CultureLcidThe user's cultureint
TimeZoneThe user's time zone.string
IsSystemIndicates whether the user is a system account.bool
CreatedByUserProfileIdThe user who created this user profile.Guid
CreatedDateDate/time at which this user profile was created.DateTimeOffset
ModifiedByUserProfileIdThe last user who modified this user profile’s properties.Guid
ModifiedDateDate/time at which this user profile’s properties were modified for the last
TimestampThe timestamp.byte array