Properties description

The following table contains all properties of this entity and their description

Property NameDescriptionType
ContentLibraryFolderIdThe content library folder identifier,Guid
ContentLibraryIdThe parent content library identifier.Guid
ContentMetadataFormIdThe content metadata form identifier.Guid
ParentContentLibraryFolderIdThe parent content library folder identifier.Guid
LinkedContentLibraryFolderIdThe linked folder identifier.Guid
FolderTypeThe type of the folder.ContentLibraryFileType
NameName used to identify the file.string
MetadataAdditional information that can be assigned to classify the
SequenceNumberThe sequence
CreatedByUserProfileIdThe user who added this entity.Guid
CreatedDateDate/time at which this entity was added.DateTimeOffset
ModifiedByUserProfileIdThe last user who modified this entity’s properties.Guid
ModifiedDateDate/time at which this entity's properties were modified for the last
TimestampThe timestamp.byte array